Coyote Valley Cowboys Members and Guests with a member
Open to SASS Members for Matches
Steel Challenge Rules
Allowed ONLY During Scheduled Steel Challenge Matches
Only SCSA Guns and Ammo
Coyote Valley Cowboys Members and Open to Public Guests
Instructor Classes or Events
Allowed ONLY During Scheduled Events with an Authorized Instructor
Guns and Ammo at Instructors Discretion
Open to the Public
Coyote Valley Cowboy Range Rules
1. Do not shoot here unless you know, understand, and are able to follow the Range Rules. If you have any doubt or questions, seek assistance from us.
2. The Coyote Valley Cowboy Range is a Cowboy Action Shooting Range governed by the rules of the Single Action Shooting Society or SASS. The firearm and ammunition requirement of SASS are in effect at all times except during Authorized Instructor lead classes, Authorized Instructor lead special events, and Steel Challenge Matches. During those exceptions, the Instructor or Match Director determines allowable firearms, ammunition, and deviations from SASS rules. During Steel Challenge Matches, SCSA rules are in effect at the discretion of the Match Director.
3. ONLY SASS GUNS AND AMMO may be shot during open practice; firearms or replicas in use prior to 1900, and low velocity ammunition with pure lead bullets. (.22 caliber (S-L-LR) guns and ammo are exempt from this requirement)
4. For Open Practice, ONLY Coyote Valley Cowboy MEMBERS and guest(s) are allowed. Guest(s) must be accompanied by and shooting with the member at all times.
5. During Open Practice, not more than 2 persons may be at the firing line of any stage unless a qualified Range Officer (RO1, RO2,) is at the stage and serving as a Range Master.
6. All persons must sign in and pay the daily range fee at the Coyote Valley Sporting Clays front desk BEFORE shooting here. All participants and observers must sign our Liability Waiver.
7. Eye and Ear Protection is mandatory at all times for both shooters and observers. We strongly suggest wrap around glasses that provide protection from the side. For your safety, we recommend wearing boots, long pants, and sleeved shirts as well as hats. Metal fragments from targets and bullet ricochets are not uncommon.
8. Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by and shooting at the same stage with a parent or guardian, or a member who is at least an RO1.
9. Keep guns unloaded and actions open until on the line and ready to fire.
10. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger and the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
11. All loading, unloading, and firing of guns MUST be done along the firing line, with the muzzle pointed downrange. The 170 rule is in effect.
12. Direct all fire perpendicular to the firing line. Do not shoot at any buildings, props, trees, cows or over any hillside, berm or side wall.
13. Red targets are Rimfire ONLY (.22 S-L-LR). Shotgun knock down targets are for shotgun ONLY.
14. The Livery and Corral stages are the only stages where the shooter can go downrange to reset targets while other stages are in use. To go downrange on the Bank and Saloon Stage, a cease fire must be called when both are in use. Same for the Rimfire and Stagecoach stage.
15. There must be a cease fire any time cattle are visible on the hill downrange.
16. Please leave the range better than you found it. Clean up after yourself and leave targets and fixtures as you found them.
17. If you observe any unsafe situation, please report it to us immediately.
18. Our goal is to provide a safe range and pleasant experience for all users. These Range Rules are STRICTLY ENFORCED to ensure everyone's safety.